Debbie Moore OBE included in Veuve Clicquot's Bold Women awards

by Pineapple Dance
Debbie Moore OBE included in Veuve Clicquot's Bold Women awards

Pineapple founder Debbie Moore OBE is included in the Veuve Clicquot Bold Women awards 2022.

Debbie Moore said “I’m so proud that we have kept Pineapple going for more than 40 years. Dancing is the finest form of exercise; it’s uplifting and social, it works every muscle in your body, and it’s so good for your mental state. We call our studio the Pineapple Pleasuredrome – people shed their problems at the door.”

Read the full Harper's Bazaar article:  "50 years of Bold Women: a celebration of 's prestigious awards - 6 groundbreaking winners past and present share the lessons they’ve learned” featuring Debbie Moore OBE, written by Eleanor Jones.

Photos by the talented Ellyse Anderson

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