Debbie Moore joins THE MAYFARER & THE COVENT GARDENER magazine Cover Competition judging panel
Pineapple founder Debbie Moore OBE will be a guest on the prestigious judging panel for The Mayfarer and The Covent Gardener magazine Cover Competition, covers for the Autumn 2022 issues.
Submissions from a wide range of designers and artists will be inspired by the Jubilee with the theme ‘Fly the Flag’ for Covent Garden & Mayfair.
The winning artist will have their work published on both covers and displayed on flags across Mayfair and Covent Garden. The runners-up will have their submissions published inside the magazine.
Other guests on the panel of esteemed judges representing the world of arts include: Theatre Champion Joyce Hytner OBE, Pop Artist Charles Fazzino, Artist Ruth Marten, Muralist Phlegm, Author Hanan Al Shaykh, Map Man Adam Dant, Toy Connoisseur Louise Heard, MD of Hirsh Jewellers Sophia Hirsh and Head of Enterprise at the Royal Opera House Jane Storie.
The Cover Competition is open to all ages and all disciplines, and the deadline is Monday, 15th August 2022, so you still have time to let your inspiration fly!