Beyonce Bootcamp - April 2015
Everyone is talking about sugar! Is it the new fad or something to take seriously? Fit & Flexi tutor Ali breaks it down for us!
Why is sugar bad for you?
Scientists can show that eating too much sugar raises your risk of gaining weight and the associated health problems. You are more likely to suffer diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and other health conditions when you indulge your sweet tooth too often.
Evidence from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows that most of us are eating more sugar than is recommended as part of a healthy balanced diet.
Beyonce Bootcamp - April 2015
The science behind sugar – So how much is too much?
Studies show that sugar makes us eat more. Our bodies don’t have an ‘off switch’ to sugar. Back in the day when we were cavemen food was scarce and sugar was very rare. The Flintstones may have found a berry or two but they were slim pickings. Occasionally they may have found a tree laden with fruit so could eat to their hearts content to gain energy and store fat. All very well when you had to run miles out of your way to get sugar.
Where are we going wrong? Hidden sugars!
We often think we are making healthy choices and eating a balanced diet. However some so called ‘healthy’ foods contain unnecessary sugars. Sugar has many names on food labels, including dextrose, corn syrup, glucose, maltose, maltodextrin and molasses… so check packaging carefully.
Tips and tricks to curb sugar cravings:
Once you reduce the sugar in your diet everything tastes sweeter and your cravings are satisfied with a natural sugar treat such as fresh fruit. The main reason we want sugar is for energy but often we are dehydrated when we have a sugar craving… so drink plenty of water.
Don’t be too hard on yourself; we are programmed to love sugar and spice and all things nice so take it easy and try cutting it down slowly. Swap your afternoon cookie for a savoury snack and cut out sugary drinks.
Curb your cravings by swapping your sweet treats for other indulgences, such as a hot bubble bath, herbal tea, a spot of retail therapy to show off that new sugar free body or try the sugar free recipe below using raw cacao to make a choc' alternative!
Sugar Free Fix - Cacao Bits:
- 1 tablespoon of raw cacao
- 3/4 of a cup of almonds
- 1 cup of medjool dates
- 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of almond butter
- 1 tablespoon of baobab
Blend the almonds in a food processor until they are crushed. Add all the other ingredients to the processor with the almonds and blend until the mix is nice and sticky.
Roll the mix into fun shapes!
Place in the freezer for an hour or so to set.
Store in the fridge and enjoy.
Lent or way of life?
So, does Ali practice what she teaches? Has she discovered any benefits from a reduced sugar regime?
"I tried giving up sugar for lent but the benefits that I have encountered have persuaded me to embrace it as a way of life! I lost weight without trying and my complexion is clear! Spring is a time for new beginnings (not just chocolate) so it’s time to revive those resolutions to live a healthy, happy lifestyle."
So there you have it!
Ali Trowsdale is a professional dancer and a qualified fitness instructor, with a degree in Biology. She teaches Mondays at 12pm at Pineapple and also teaches private dance sessions.
Click here to read more about Ali and her Fit & Flexi class.